Art Anderson Celebrates WestSound Girls on the Run 5K
July 18, 2024
For over 40 years, AA Days has been our way of saying a huge THANK YOU to the incredible team that makes Art Anderson the success it is today. As Ben Anderson, our Owner & President, says: “AA Days was designed to add a little fun and celebration around our required annual company meetings.” But it’s grown into so much more than that!
Read the full article here.

Patrick is Celebrating 20 Years at Art Anderson!
June 12, 2024
Help us congratulate Patrick Vasicek, Civil Engineer, on 20 years of employment with Art Anderson!
Patrick has served as project manager and a waterfront/civil engineer during his time with Art Anderson. His experience includes environmental planning; restoration; compliance projects; facilities master planning; and the planning, design, and construction of a wide range of ventures.
Read the full article here.
Art Anderson Celebrates WestSound Girls on the Run 5K
June 11, 2024
Art Anderson has been a proud sponsor of Girls on the Run of WestSound since 2019. That’s 5 years of supporting the mission: to inspire girls in 3rd through 8th grade to recognize their inner strength and develop positive self-esteem through a combination of running and social-emotional learning.
Read the full article here.

Reimagining Propulsion: Art Anderson Helps Guide Local Senior Project
May 31, 2024
We’re thrilled to have been a part of the successful completion of the senior capstone project for OC-WSU students Arwen A., Katsumi A., and Sarai H.!
This project focused on developing the mechanical concept design of a hydrogen fuel cell system to repower an existing tug/barge vessel. With a focus on safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, the team developed an engine room layout to convert a diesel-powered Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS) propulsion module to a hydrogen-electric vessel.
Read the full article here.
Sustainable Energy in the Maritime Industry
April 22, 2024
The maritime and engineering industries are undergoing a transformative shift, driven by the urgent need for innovation in sustainable energy in the maritime industry. From cleaner ships to greener ports, innovations are rippling across the sector, creating exciting opportunities for the future. Here at Art Anderson, we’re proud to be part of this revolution, and today, we’re sharing some of the most promising developments.
Read the full article here.

“Warch” is for Women: Celebrating Their Impact Throughout the Month
March 1, 2024
March is a special month—not only does it bring the hopeful signs of spring, but it’s dedicated to celebrating the incredible contributions of women throughout history and their increasing presence in diverse engineering fields. At Art Anderson, we’re committed to amplifying the voices of women across various industries. That’s why we’re thrilled to designate March as “Warch,” a month-long celebration of women’s achievements.
Read the full article here.
Art Anderson: A Year in Review and Looking Forward to 2024
December 29, 2023
2023 is coming to a close and what a year it has been! We started the year with goals and a renewed focus on our company values. It’s been a remarkable year for Art Anderson. We’re celebrating the success of the past 12 months, and discovering the exciting prospects that await on the horizon.
Read the full article here.

Embracing Life in Bremerton: The Unbeatable Fusion of Work and Lifestyle
September 13, 2023
Working in Bremerton has its perks! Bremerton, WA features an unbeatable fusion of work and lifestyle, set in the idealistic foothills of the Olympic Mountains. With its stunning natural beauty, thriving economy, and tight-knit community, Bremerton presents an appealing proposition for those seeking a harmonious balance between work and life.
Read the full article here.
Guiding Principles: Art Anderson's Mission, Vision, and Values
August 10, 2023
In the heart of Art Anderson, lies a compass that never wavers—a compass formed by our mission, vision, and values. These are more than mere statements; they are guiding forces, providing us with clear and concise direction. Our Mission, Vision and Values play a significant role in shaping an organization’s identity, culture, and direction.
Recently, each member of our team was given a tangible reminder of these guiding principles as a daily connection to our shared purpose. Having the constant reminder on hand helps us remember our roles and contributes to a unified sense of purpose.
Read the full article here.

Things I Wish I Knew In College
April 26, 2023
If you could transport yourself back to your college days would you change anything? Is there anything you know now, but wish you would have known in college? We asked our employees what they wish they would have known in college and this is what they said.
Read the full article here.
What I Wish I Knew as a Young Engineer
March 24, 2023
So often we say, “If I had known then what I know now…”. Time and time again many engineers, as well as other career fields, think back on the beginning of their careers and wonder “If I had known this when first starting out after graduating, how different things would be now.” We asked our engineers about their lessons learned since graduating college. They had a lot of good points that could help a new architect/engineer just starting their career.
Read the full article here.

Art Anderson Wins AE Services GAOA MATOC
January 30, 2023
Art Anderson Wins AE Services GAOA MATOC!! Our team is excited to be included as an awardee for the US Dept of Interior’s Architectural and Engineering Services MATOC (Multiple Award Task Order Contract) (AE Services GAOA MATOC). This contract will last 5 years and gives us the opportunity to support projects for multiple agencies including U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Read the full article here.
Wrapping Up 2022 and Looking Ahead to 2023
December 30, 2022
Art Anderson is wrapping up 2022 and looking ahead to 2023, and what a year 2022 was. We centered on three main concepts that helped focus our team on our mission: work, play, and community.
Work is what we do, what keeps us innovating. Our team of engineers, designers, and support staff have worked hard and put in long hours. Our work kept us busy traveling to conferences, site visits and meeting deadlines; we strengthened existing partnerships and created new ones. 2022 ended on a strong note and we are excited to continue our work in 2023.
Read the full article here.

65 Years is an Accomplishment Worth Celebrating
October 21, 2022
What a milestone 65 years is. Our longevity can be attributed to many things… the ability to adapt to the constant change and growth of technology, the support of a tight community and our reputation of delivering successful projects. In truth, it comes down to relationships. Our relationships with our clients and our community. Recently, we came across an article from 1985 that was written by Eric Anderson, previous Owner of Art Anderson Associates, that we still find relevant today:
“Some things just don’t change. The happiness last week at having two clients come in through the doors with work was contagious.
Read full article here.
Interns - A Yearly Tradition
August 19, 2022
For decades, Art Anderson has welcomed interns into the office for a summer of projects and experiences. We believe that interns provide us with as much knowledge as we do to them. For 3-4 short months, these students become part of our team. Whether it’s on the Marine side helping with stability analyses, or on the A&E side going on site visits – the interns are encouraged to help the team succeed.
They have gained some insight in originating design work, performing calculations, and preparing drawings, reports, trade-off studies, and other technical documentation in real projects. We offer our interns a balance of freedom to operate independently within their own limits while under the guidance and mentorship that ensures they grow technically and in leadership.
Read full article here.

Art Anderson Receives Small Business Award from Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
February 11, 2022
The Small Business Award recognizes SAME sustaining member firms that “achieve outstanding results in support of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and Navy as well as company support for the professional development of its employees through participation in SAME education and activities.”
The award is presented to a small business that demonstrates:
- participation in SAME training opportunities and conferences
- support of small businesses in the industry
- successful completion of military projects
Read full article here.
20 Years and Counting
June, 18, 2021
Where would a company be without their amazing HR reps? Robbie’s dedication and hard work for 20 years have been a gleaming light for our Art Anderson team. Robbie has been working hard behind the scenes getting things done and has become our go to woman!
“Two decades of service for one organization is somewhat of a lost art! Even more so when you look at the versatility and overall commitment Robbie has given to Art Anderson. From accounting, human resources, general administration, helping project managers, and planning company events, she’s done it all! We are very thankful for the past 20 years and look forward to the years yet to come!” Says Ben Anderson, President/CEO.
“I am so grateful to have Robbie on my team. Being a part of the Art Anderson family for 20 years is a huge accomplishment that she deserves many accolades for. She wears many hats in our organization and she does it well! A big congratulations to Robbie and a huge thank you!” Says Melissa Anderson, COO.
Robbie is a go getter – when she sees something that needs to be done, she takes charge and makes it happen. We don’t always see just how much she does, but her impact on projects, company events, and employees is felt throughout the company. After 20 years, she has definitely seen and done it all. Going through leadership changes and multiple changes in the HR/accounting department Robbie has rolled with it, adapted, and thrived. Thank you, Robbie, for your commitment to Art Anderson and everything you do.
Happy 20th Anniversary Robbie!

Stability Analysis
May 13, 2021
Art Anderson provides Stability Analysis Reports for barges, small boats and large ships. Each report being different case by case, depending on the criteria to be evaluated, mission requirements and shape and size of the vessel and its cargo. Art Anderson’s Naval Architects are experienced at performing Stability Analysis Reports for a variety of clients. Stability Analysis Reports are calculations that are used to determine how a floating barge or vessel will remain level in different situations. Barges are used for a wide variety of uses including cargo (bulk loads such as coal, rock, and logs) and work platforms for many types of equipment including cranes and pile drivers. They are commonly needed for barges that are used during construction for piers and other waterfront structures. Stability considerations are critical when conducting transportation and other marine operations safely.
Our Naval Architects create a barge layout and GHS geometry file from information provided by our clients. From that layout, we develop a weight estimation for the entire barge. We develop a GHS stability run file that calculates the barge stability for different loading and lifting conditions. These analyses help ensure the safety of personnel during operation.
A Year in Quarantine
March 23, 2021
It’s been a year since Washington State was shut down from the Pandemic of 2020. Large and small businesses, schools, restaurants, government agencies, childcare centers, etc., all shut down. Only essential businesses remained open. We were originally asked to quarantine for 6 weeks. Well 6 weeks led to 12, 12 weeks turned into 6 months and now here we are, a year later finally seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Washington State is currently taking cautious steps to reopen. Schools are adapting and opening slowly, restaurants are at 25% capacity. Slowly, and safely, people are beginning to see the downside of the curve. And as of yesterday, March 22, the State of Washington has moved to Phase 3, restaurants and movie theaters now are at 50% capacity, and outdoor events are at 25% capacity, which means the Mariners can have fans in the bleachers on opening day!
On March 23rd, 2020, Art Anderson informed all employees that they should prepare to begin working from home. The day was spent packing computers, boxing up docking stations and wrapping up wires. The afternoon went fast with individuals gathering what they would need to work from home. As a company that completes a variety of government related projects, our work was considered essential and needed to continue.
Soon our teams developed a rhythm. Meeting via Teams for resourcing, discuss projects, and to check in with those working remote to make sure all were ok. Over communication became our mantra. In the first few months of the shutdown, we anticipated an end. Each time the end in sight moved, Art Andersons’ management knew they had to prepare and plan for a long-term solution, so they took action.
First, we took care of the essentials. Cleaning our desk space and around the office, rotating work schedules, and having the right equipment to keep us going. A few employees continued to come into the office, and since our office is laid out in a specific way, we were able to remain 6ft apart. We took a survey for those working from home for equipment needs and made them available. For those with small children, we adapted to modified schedules of working parents (early morning emails and late-night updates).
How do we stay connected?
We figured out how to keep working. Projects were getting completed and new work was continuing to come in. However, we started to notice that our mission of an engaging workplace was lacking with the now virtual and distanced lifestyle, so we took action.
Virtual Happy Hours became a regular occurrence. Every other week there was a new Happy Hour with a new theme and a chance for everyone to catch up without the topic of work popping up. Some of the themes were:
- Trivia night
- Creative hat night
- Bingo
- Vacation dreaming
- Broken Telephone Game
- Highschool mascot
Care Packages and Individual Challenges added a much-needed break in the mundane daily routine. We completed a bucket challenge during our summer Art Anderson Days (an annual celebration of employees). We had a pumpkin painting contest that even the kids got to join in on, and we sent out an ornament to our employees for a decoration contest during the holidays. The annual Pigskin Pick’em was a great opportunity for us all to interact in an online forum and to cheer on one of our favorite sports. FOOTBALL!! GO HAWKS!
Celebrating the positives was a constant theme. New babies, three born in 2020, one born just last week and one due within the next couple of months. Three new Professional Engineer (PE) licenses. New projects. New clients. New employees. Our first entry in the Wayzgoose Festival. Becoming an official registered Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Company.
Supporting local, small business
Art Anderson is proud to be local to Bremerton for 60 years. When the local restaurants needed us, we dedicated a weekly lunch to be delivered to those working in the office. We focused our holiday party on local businesses – choosing small gifts and prizes from local vendors, and yummy treats for a party or just because we got a sweet tooth.
A Year Later
With a lot of aspects from 2020 becoming a new normal in society today, we can only hope to grow from here. As we continue to go through the phases of opening back up in the community, Art Anderson aims to continue our focus of helping local small businesses. We’ve recently started to look at ways of getting more of our employees back into the office, and as a family-oriented company we aim to make the process as safe and effortless as possible.
The world has seen some dark days, but we are focusing on what we have learned and have an optimistic perspective for the future. A year later, after what seems to be a never-ending routine, we continue to adapt and grow as a company and a community. The option of hiring employees across the country has become more of a possibility; keeping in contact with our clients became more of a priority; and working on projects across the country from our office in Bremerton became more of a reality. We mourn the loss of so many lives, families who are suffering, and the businesses that have perished. We celebrate resiliency, growth, and the rebuilding of community. As a company, we feel our story is just beginning.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 11, 2021
Looking back at history you never really saw many women being mentioned in science, engineering, medicine, or really any career path that was considered a man’s field. It wasn’t until the last 50 years or so names started being brought to light on who really did the work for major inventions and discoveries that are still used to this day. Some of these women were major inspirations that shaped the science world today for men and women. Here are 12 of the women in history who we found to be inspiring and feel that they deserve recognition for their hard work. The information found is referenced in the sites at the bottom of the page.
- Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) – Chemist – Following her late husband’s research, Rosalind was the first to demonstrate the basic dimensions of DNA strands and reveal that the molecule was in two matching parts, running in opposite directions.
- Sally Ride (1951-2012) – Astronaut – NASA Astronaut Sally Ride was the first American woman in space, she was also the youngest American to leave the atmosphere at 32 years old.
- Edith Clarke (1883-1959) – Electrical Engineer – Edith developed the Clarke Calculator in 1921, it’s a graphing calculator used to help solve electric power transmission problems. She created some of the first software for electrical engineering and was the first female Electrical Engineer.
- Martha Coston (1826-1904) – Chemist – Martha used the technology of fireworks to develop a pyrotechnic signaling system for use at sea, known today as the flare gun. Coston’s flares were used by the U.S. Navy during the Civil War. Before her flares, ships used flags during the day and lanterns at night to signal to other ships.
- Hedy Lamarr (1914-2000) – Hollywood Actress & Inventor – Hedy was a big time Hollywood actress; she was referred to as the “Angelina Jolie of her time”. But she was also a famous inventor, she invented “Frequency Hopping”- a way of jumping around on radio frequencies in order to avoid a third party jamming your signal. She invented it in the 1940s for use as a secret wartime communication system that could keep the enemy from interfering with a ships torpedo. It was patented in August of 1942 and donated to the U.S. Military to help fight the Nazis. They didn’t use it till after the Second World War once they realized just how useful it could be. Hedy never received recognition for her invention until 1997, she was honored by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, but by then it was too late, and Hedy was unable to receive the award in person and get the applaud that was well deserved. She’s now in the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
- Emily Warren Roebling (1843-1903) – Engineer – Emily was known for her contribution to the completion of the Brooklyn Bridge after her husband. Washington Roebling – Civil Engineer and Chief Engineer during the construction of the bridge – developed Caisson Disease. She took copious notes from her husband of what still needed to be completed; she began studies of her own on the technical issues learning about strength of materials, stress analysis, cable construction, and calculation of catenary curves. After the bridge was completed, she rode with President Chester Arthur across it.
- Marie SKtodowska Curie (1867-1934) – French Physicist & Chemist – Marie became the first woman in history to win a Nobel Prize, and the only person to win two Nobel Prizes on two different disciplines (chemistry and physics). Marie, along with her husband Pierre, discovered radioactivity. She also discovered two elements, polonium and radium, and the element curium is named in her honor. The world’s first studies into the treatment of tumors took place under her direction and she founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw, which to this day are leading medical research centers.
- Marie Tharp (1920-2006) – Mapmaker – Marie was famous for creating the first scientific map of the ocean floor. Due to the law of women not being permitted on ocean-going ships that collected data, Marie had to work with the information given to her to create accurate charts – charts that revealed the existence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, clear evidence of plate tectonics and continental drift.
- Lois Graham (1925- 2013) – Professor of Thermodynamics and Cryogenics – Lois was the first woman to earn a mechanical engineering PhD in the United States. She is remembered for her lifelong work recruiting young women into careers in science and engineering.
- Mary Jackson (1921-2005) – Mathematician and Engineer – Mary was the first African American female engineer at NASA who helped in America’s win at the “Space Race”. “Hidden Figures” released in 2016 was a movie that recounts the careers of Jackson and 2 of her fellow colleagues at NASA.
- Flossie Wong-Staal (1946-2020) – Virologist – Flossie is a Chinese American, who became the first scientist to clone HIV and determine how it’s genes work, marking a huge step in proving that HIV causes AIDS. In 2007, Dr. Wong-Staal was ranked 32 on The Daily Telegraph’s “Top 100 Living Geniuses”.
12.Ruby Hirose (1904-1960) – Biochemist and Bacteriologist – Dr. Hirose was a Japanese American whose research led to the development of vaccines for polio and hay fever. Because of her achievements in Chemistry, she was one of the few women who were recognized by the American Chemical Society.
This information was pulled from multiple sites, to read more about each of these magnificent women please see links below.
2020 Recap for Art Anderson
February 2, 2021
What a year?! It was definitely not what we expected as we sat down at the end of 2019 and looked into our crystal ball. There seemed to be one crazy/scary/surprise event after another causing the world to spin the opposite direction. With so much going on around the world we relied on one constant, our firm. We feel fortunate to have the stability in Art Anderson Associates and know the relationships that we have developed with clients, subcontractors, and the community over decades of hard work made that possible. There were surely some bumps in the road causing stress levels to rise, however, they were relatively easy to manage. I credit this to the strength of our employees and great clients around us that helped make things “not so bad!”.
Read the full article here.

Women in Design & Construction Conference
December 22, 2020
Our COO Melissa Anderson did a presentation at the WIDC back on December 8 & 9, 2020. Melissa, along with Ivi Gabales from Rice Fergus Miller (architecture) and Sheryl Van Anne from Mortenson (construction), did a presentation on Architects, Engineers, and Contractors and what drives them crazy about each other. A survey went out to the 3 sectors to capture the opinion of others on what they like about working with each other and the challenges that are faced. The results showed a great amount of things each sector liked about another but some of those likes were also the biggest dislikes, for example the top like for engineers is their attention to detail but the biggest dislike is too much attention to detail. Overall, between the three sectors, the biggest complication is communication. Just like any relationship, communication is key! Melissa, Ivi and Sheryl did a great job putting this presentation together. If you would like more info, please reach out to Melissa Anderson at [email protected].
National Entrepreneurship Day
November 17, 2020
In honor of National Entrepreneurship Day, we would like to applaud all who took the chance to go out on their own and made it through all the challenges. It takes a special kind of person to take that risk. The risk of starting over, of hard times, and the ultimate risk of potential success.
Art Anderson Associates wouldn’t be who we are today if Art himself hadn’t taken that risk back in 1957. Art saw the need for better service and with the help of his wife (Bea) and a designer, set out to do just that. Three generations later, we are still here and growing. The entrepreneurial spirit has been passed from father to son, and with each generation, Art Anderson becomes stronger. We have grown from a firm providing just Marine Engineering to a multidisciplinary engineering and design firm that offers Facility and Marine Engineering. What shall we take on next?
“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” ~John A. Shedd

40 years and counting!
October 15, 2020
40 years is a big accomplishment. It’s 40 years of dedication, hard work and perseverance going through the same daily routine. Today, we celebrate Sean for achieving 40 years with Art Anderson.
“Four decades of service, dedication, and loyalty to one firm is something to surely celebrate. This type of tenure creates a sense of family and creates the company culture that Art Anderson strives for. Sean started out as an intern while attending the University of Washington. Over the years he worked his way up and through the organization, working every type of project, reaching the position of Vice President of the Facility Division and now the company’s Chief Engineer. Today we honor and thank Sean for all his achievements along the way!” says Ben Anderson, CEO/President of Art Anderson.
Sean is a great engineer, strong leader, and a fun person to work with. He has been a vital team member and oversees the quality on many projects. Significant projects include: Multiple tasks, large and small with Lockheed Martin Space Company, the Repair of the Saltwater Distribution System at PSNS, and the Renovation of the BEQ 2302/2102 at Bangor Naval Base Kitsap.
All of us at Art Anderson look forward to working with Sean for years to come!