Women in Design & Construction Conference
December 22, 2020
Our COO Melissa Anderson did a presentation at the WIDC back on December 8 & 9, 2020. Melissa, along with Ivi Gabales from Rice Fergus Miller (architecture) and Sheryl Van Anne from Mortenson (construction), did a presentation on Architects, Engineers, and Contractors and what drives them crazy about each other. A survey went out to the 3 sectors to capture the opinion of others on what they like about working with each other and the challenges that are faced. The results showed a great amount of things each sector liked about another but some of those likes were also the biggest dislikes, for example the top like for engineers is their attention to detail but the biggest dislike is too much attention to detail. Overall, between the three sectors, the biggest complication is communication. Just like any relationship, communication is key! Melissa, Ivi and Sheryl did a great job putting this presentation together. If you would like more info, please reach out to Melissa Anderson at [email protected].