PSNS Outfall Design Phase
3 & 4
The project involved the design of approximately 1,700 linear feet of Phase III and Phase IV Sewer Utility Force Main Repairs at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. This is a Design-Build project working directly with the contractor, Port Madison Enterprises Construction. Art Anderson was responsible for construction management for Phase III and Design-Build support for Phase IV.
During Phase III, we confirmed the route of the utility piping when all the existing conditions were discovered. This phase consisted of an 18” force main running from Lift Station #2 near the southwest corner of Building 467 to a point of connection just east of the Wyckoff Entry Control Point to the Controlled Industrial Area. Approximately 150’ of the Phase III piping south of Building 467 had already been replaced under an earlier contract. Art Anderson was able to utilize and re-use the piping previously installed. During Phase IV, we designed the route which included connecting to valve 33-R-1 on the east end and to the “run” side of the first tee at the east side of Lift Station #1. We were able to use the existing route for the majority of the project. We did need to reroute in few areas. We worked with the geotechnical engineer to confirm the route during the project.
We provided overall design and construction management, ensuring adherence to the project design schedule and successful completion of the project. Construction management responsibilities include review of contractor submittals, responding to requests for information, progress meetings, construction observation and inspections, as-builts and project closeout.