wsf issaquah-class heat recovery
Art Anderson provided naval architecture and marine engineering services to develop detailed designs and drawings for waste heat recovery systems for the Issaquah class of Washington State Ferries. The existing main engine cooling system on the Issaquah class is a keel cooler system with an AMOT valve that controls the engine outlet cooling water temperature. The heaters in passenger and crew areas are all steam heaters fed by two oil-fired steam boilers.
The design work performed by Art Anderson Associates modified the existing main engine jacket water cooling system, directing the jacket water through a plate heat exchanger and in turn, transferring heat to a new hot water heating system. We retained many of the same components as the old steam heating system, but some were replaced to ensure an adequate temperature could be maintained. Our calculations indicated heat recovery from the main engines alone could provide enough energy to heat the entire ship. However, two oil-fired hot water boilers were installed as backups to the heat recovery system to allow independent operation from the main engines.
Additional drawings produced:
• Hot water piping diagram
• Equipment foundation drawing
• HVAC system modification drawing
• Main engine cooling modification drawing
• Heat recovery system electrical installation drawing
• Power modification drawing
• Indication and alarm modification drawing
• Control and indication installation drawing