“Warch” is for Women: Celebrating Their Impact Throughout March

Madi, mechanical engineer, on a ship check.

Madi, mechanical engineer, on a ship check.

March is a special month—not only does it bring the hopeful signs of spring, but it’s dedicated to celebrating the incredible contributions of women throughout history and their increasing presence in diverse fields. At Art Anderson, we’re committed to amplifying the voices of women across various industries. That’s why we’re thrilled to designate March as “Warch,” a month-long celebration of women’s achievements, particularly in the STEM/AEC industries.

Important Dates in Warch

Warch is jam-packed with meaningful days dedicated to recognizing women’s impact:

  • March 8th: International Women’s Day: A global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
  • February 11th (observed annually) (yes we know this was last month, but we want to celebrate this EVERY day): International Day of Women and Girls in Science: This promotes full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls.
  • First week of March: Women in Construction Week: Highlights the growing role of women in the construction industry and their valuable contributions.
  • All month long: Women in History: Commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.

A Rich History of Women in Engineering

While the formal profession of engineering is relatively new, women with remarkable engineering skills existed long before. Early examples include Tabitha Babbitt, who invented the circular saw, and Sarah Guppy, who patented a bridge foundation design. The dawn of the engineering profession in the 19th century saw pioneering women like Elizabeth Bragg and Julia Morgan becoming the first to receive bachelor’s degrees in engineering, paving the way for future generations. Despite facing societal barriers and limited access to education, these women broke down stereotypes and made significant contributions to various engineering fields. Throughout history, women like Edith Clarke, Emily Roebling, and Margaret Hamilton have continued to inspire with their innovations and achievements, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of engineering.

Why Women in Engineering Matter

Engineering is at the heart of innovation, shaping our infrastructure and driving technological advancements. Today, women comprise 29% of the STEM workforce [National Science Foundation]. In the US, they make up roughly 21% of engineering majors and 19% of computer science majors. Here’s why having more women in engineering is crucial:

  • Diverse Perspectives: Women provide unique viewpoints that lead to more creative solutions, broadening the scope of problem-solving.
  • Balanced Teams: Greater diversity in engineering results in more inclusive workplaces and better decision-making processes, reflecting the diverse world we live in.
  • Role Models: Women engineers inspire future generations, breaking down stereotypes and demonstrating that anyone can excel in STEM fields.

At Art Anderson, we believe in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment. Our commitment to women in engineering doesn’t end with Warch. We want to cultivate an environment where everyone feels empowered and valued all year round.