pressure drop enigneering support
Art Anderson provided engineering and consultation services to convert the former NOAA T-AGOS class research ship into the Deep Submersible Support Vessel (DSSV) Pressure Drop. The DSSV Pressure Drop serves as the support vessel for the Deep Submergence Vessel (DSV) Limiting Factor, the first manned submarine to reach the deepest points in the world’s five oceans and be capable of repetitive full ocean depth dives. The vessel is ABS classed. All engineering packages adhered to ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels under 90m.
The scope has involved 35 tasks to date, as support continues throughout the duration of its continued operations. Notable design packages which were developed and provided in shipyard specifications included: Winch and crane systems and foundations, a tender platform addition, bulwark, and boarding door modifications, installed a Kongsberg EM124 sonar and associated gondola, and a RO unit install. Due to the new mission, new load conditions were developed, and two stability analysis and T&S Book updates were made, along with a Stability Test.
Similar to the Thomas Jefferson, The DSSV Pressure Drop has an inherent list and uses ballast water to correct it. Due to operational and regulatory requirements, the ship required a permanent ballast solution. Art Anderson performed a
Permanent Ballast Study to determine potential solutions to achieve the desired ballast requirements. These included both fixed “hard” ballast and permanent water ballast. Working with ABS and the vessel’s flag state, a permanent ballast solution was determined, and Art Anderson developed the required engineering documentation to implement it.