Port of Shelton
Art Anderson helped the Port of Shelton with an array of marine engineering related projects including support from all engineering disciplines. In support of the Port of Shelton’s practice of doing most of the upgrade and repair work with in-house resources (including boat house owners), we worked with the Port staff to develop a wooden float option for fingers and non-breakwater float systems. This included developing methods for utilizing the boat ramp (and carrying out improvements to the existing boat ramp) in support of the logistics for this practice. Art Anderson completed the projects listed below on schedule and on budget.
Task Order 1: Dock Design – Art Anderson assisted the Port with inspection and assessment of the south dock and a new dock design for the Southern portion of the marina. The dock design has roughly 600 linear feet of pathway, multiple finger piers, and 40 pilings providing utility services to all moored vessels. This tasking involves a thorough evaluation of the existing dock, concept replacement design, and final plans, specifications, and cost estimates for construction.
Task Order 2: Master Plan – Our team assisted with developing a master plan for the future marina layout and with detailed negotiations regarding land transfers to enable expansion of the marina and construction of a new breakwater.
The land transfers will enable the Port to transform both the upland and marine facilities into a beneficial amenity and a source of employment for the region. The master plan will include a complete financial analysis and capital improvement, repair & maintenance program for the marina cost center.
Task Order 3: New Breakwater Design – Development of a new breakwater involving civil, structural, electrical, mechanical engineering and naval architecture and subcontractors, including geotechnical engineers, environmental engineers and scientists, expert grant writers, and hydrodynamic specialists. Permitting will address both long-term (5–10-year NWP-3) permitting requirements, and full-scale NEPA documents in support of building new in-water infrastructure in navigable waters.