Art Anderson is the design team leader for the Passenger Only Ferry Terminal (POF Terminal). The POF Terminal is the $4.5 million floating portion of the overall larger Bremerton Transportation Center. The POF Terminal is a state of the art transportation facility, designed specifically to provide seamless transportation connections for ferry passengers arriving at and departing from the Bremerton Transportation Center. The POF Terminal provides rapid docking and undocking facilities for conventional passenger only ferries owned and operated by Washington State Ferries and Horluck Transportation Company, as well as the next generation high speed, bow loading, passenger only fast ferries currently under construction by Washington State Ferries.
The environmentally sensitive floating terminal facility provides passenger comfort and safety with numerous amenities including comfortable waiting areas, security sensitive visibility, security monitoring systems and defensible construction, and efficient pedestrian circulation flow to ensure rapid loading and unloading of passengers. The facility also features convenient accommodations for mobility impaired and other physically challenged passengers.
The multi-modal facility links area transportation including the cross sound auto ferry, transit buses, para-transit vans and buses, tour buses, and automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian corridors, as well as passenger only ferries.
As the Prime, Art Anderson provided planning and design for the improvements to the Bremerton Passenger Only Ferry Terminal. The scope of work for this project included the development of a design package for upgrades to the A-Float and B-Pontoon to allow for passenger-only ferry berthing; interim vessel maintenance functions and hotel services; installation of ramps; an ADA transition; new decking; new fendering; and the addition of utilities.
New outfitting for the terminal includes passenger shelter and staging, security, fender systems, mooring, safety railings, and a docking system for the ADA accessible passenger ferry terminal and overnight moorage facility for ferries. The service float allows daily preventative maintenance and cleaning as well as fueling for the fleet.
Mechanical engineering design improvements to the A-Float include fire protection with a hose station and sprinkler system for passenger canopy, and potable water. Mechanical systems for the service float will include fire protection, potable water, fuel, lube oil, waste oil, and sewage.
The bid package included providing Plans, Specifications and Engineering (PS&E) for structural modifications, fender design, frame roller design, ramp design, ADA transition design, electric lighting design and fire protection design. Art Anderson also developed bid packages for future work including a fueling system, outfitting for Berth 1, outfitting for Berth 2, Berth 3 options and improvements to the B-Float.
The project also included the installation of a secure, self-contained fuel tank on the uplands in a parking space; assistance in developing the state-mandated Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application and other required permits; bid support; and construction administration services.