Art Anderson (AA) provided NAME services for the refurbishment of the M/V Tustumena. This $7m refurbishment included significant main deck, hull and tank surveys and steel. The scope of work included OWS and fire pump replacement with new equipment meeting the latest ABS and USCG requirements, major MSD, and passenger elevator upgrades. Significant electrical improvements included: propulsion control system upgrades, alarm, and monitoring system upgrades. Additional passenger and crew space upgrades included: ADA accessibility improvements to Purser station, First Aid Room and Main Dining Room. Other work included: complete refurbishment and steel replacement of main vehicle elevator and kingpost, fuel tank vent modifications, and preservation coating renewal throughout the vessel. AA prepared a Design Study Report, developed the PS&E bid package, provided bid phase technical support and construction phase support. Our services during the construction phase, included review of condition found reports and issue resolution, review of shipyard-proposed drawing changes and shop drawings associated with the work package, development of test memoranda and test result reports, review of material procurement specifications and resolution of questions, technical review of equipment manuals and operating instructions, on-site assessment of work progress, technical support for review of stability documentation, update of electrical drawings and analyses to depict the final installed condition, an updated Fire Control Plan, a revised weight estimate, and all PM, Quality Assurance and administrative support for these tasks. This project exemplifies the ability of AA to perform a variety of tasks associated with the AMHS fleet.